Canadian Voice

Canadian Voice

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Site for the NEW Canadian Voice in Kawanakajima...

Here is the site for the new Canadian Voice.  A priest will come and do "地鎮祭”on Saturday.

1. The Jichinsai ceremony is a Shinto ritual intended to calm the kami (God) of the earth whenever a new building or other construction begins.

2. It is believed that without asking for permission from the earth kami, any building constructed would make the kami angry.

3. Another purpose for the "jichinsai" is to pray that construction goes smoothly .. without any accidents. 

The builders will come and start building the new Canadian Voice in September.

I have to prepare many things for the "jichinsai"...
A fish with its head and tail still attached
vegetables with the leafs still attached
& fruit

I am looking forward to taking part in this event.  I'll try to take some pictures to show you all.
Good Night!

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