Canadian Voice

Canadian Voice

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Peanut and the Businessman ~ July 2011

This week we will be watching a stoy about a peanut and a businessman.
We will use the video to continue teaching and practicing how to use:

There is / There are
a / the

Some conversation questions to think about before class are about:

1. Are there any good bars around here?
2. How often do you go to the bar?
3. Which bar do you usually go to?
4. Where is it?
5. Why do you like to go there?

6. Are you good at picking up girls/boys?
Why? / Why not?

We will also review how to use a number of prepositions:

At can show an inside location
Pattern:  at+ the + place

He was waiting in the room at the door.
He likes to sit in his room at the window facing the park.

Nouns commonly used with this pattern:
at the counter, at the desk, at the table, at the window

On shows physical support
Pattern 1: verb + on + noun

The child leaned on his father.
The children sat on small chairs.

Typical verbs :
Cling, hang, lean, lie, rest, sit, sleep, stand

Pattern 2: be + on + noun
The beads are on a string.
The popsicle is on a stick.

Into can show a division
Pattern 1: verb + noun + into + (number) + noun
She cut the pie into eight pieces.
He dropped the vase and it broke into a million pieces.

Typical verbs before into:
Arrange, break, cut, divide, separate

Typical nouns after into:
Bits, parts, pieces, slices, wedges

Pronunciation Practice
We will be doing some pronunciation practice and listening practice.
Can you catch whether the word you heard  contained an "a" or a "u", an "r" or an "l"?
Was it a "bug" or a "bag"?  Was it "warm" or "worm"?
Can you pronounce the words correctly?

Like vs Look vs Look Like
Be careful of these words.  Many people mix them up!

I like nuts.
Ayako looks happy.
Ayako looks like her mother.

The most common mistake that we hear a lot is: 
*Ayako looks like happy. ~ XXXXXXXX
We can't use an adjective after "looks like"

It should say:
*Ayako looks happy.
However, we can use an adjective after "looks".

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