Canadian Voice

Canadian Voice

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kids class Grammar Practice....

A student's mother requested another page for more practice.  The gym is closed on the 25th of every month so I had some time to draw some more pictures. (昨日ジムは ていきゅび だった から 絵を 書く時間が 少し あった。)

Please practice asking the questions as well as answering:

1.  What is this?     It is a square watermelon. / It is a round watermelon.
2.  What is this?   It is a short jump rope. / It is a long jump rope.
3.  What is this?  It is a short tail. / It is a long tail.
4.  What is this?  It is a large fries. / It is a small fries.
5.  What is this?  It is a big ball. / It is a little ball.
6.  What is this?  It is a big elephant. / It is a little mouse. 

Yes...I know there are some new words...Please explain to your son or daughter what they are in English.
See you sometime this week!


  1. HELLO いつも楽しいレッスンをありがとう。
    唐突ですが ”少い”は”少し”の事でしょうか?
    ついつい 添削をしてしまいます。ご勘弁下さいませ〜
    from ラテのママ

  2. I have a question.
    Is "It is a large fries." and "It is a small fries."
    an exception to the rule for grammer?

    Should it be "They are small fries." or "They are big fries."
    But that sound a bit strange too.
    Maybe it should be "Its (some)small fries." or "Its(some)big fries."

    Yipes maybe I am thinking too hard !It is just that I thought you could not use the "a" particle with something that ends in an "s".

    Please help!
