Canadian Voice

Canadian Voice

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My battle with "草”..."Weeds"...

During the summer rained a lot.

And....Every time it rained, new weeds appeared in the garden and parking lot at Canadian Voice.
So... Almost every day during the summer vacation I went outside to pull weeds (草取り)

I had a tough time pulling out the weeds that were between the bricks.

But...Last weekend... A student recommended that I buy needle nose pliers (ピンチ) from Watahan.

What a great idea....!!!

I couldn't wait to try them.

And... .Last Sunday I kicked some ass with those pliers...

Take a look!  The pliers fit nicely between the bricks...

I just grabbed the weed....and....

Voila!! Sayonara weed!

Once I started I couldn't stop...Ayako sensei and I pulled a lot of weeds that day...
Just take a look at the nice, clean bricks and the garbage bag next to Ayako...

I was feeling really happy but...

Just before we finished... it started to rain again... and so I guess when I come back on Wednesday the parking lot will be covered in weeds again...

Adjective Review for Week 26.....


I want to review some adjectives over the next few weeks so...
Here is a short list for you to review and study...

Study Hard & Good Luck!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Long time no BLOG.... Osusowake Week 24

I have been pretty busy the last few weeks...and I haven't put up any new posts....
Well...It is summer vacation and so...

Here are a few notes from a few weeks ago...

Enjoy your summer holidays...